Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme Metal Tabs


The Labor Day is appropriate to take a look at the numbers of decent work in the country, ie to know how many workers are all employee benefits and your salary exceeds the subsistence minimum. The figures are not encouraging.

Decent work is one in which workers have a contract of employment, remuneration higher than the minimum living (these two are basic indicators), working time no longer than 48 hours per week, health insurance and pensions (the last three indicators are complementary).

Starting from this premise to evaluate the quality of jobs created in Peru in 2009, found that of the 15.3 million who make up the Economically Active Population (PEA) and 8.2% had only the two basic indicators ( employment contract and minimum wage) and the three additional (non-working hours exceed 48 hours per week, health insurance and pensions). They were the Decent Work Level 1 (TD). In the opposite direction, 7.9% of the PEA did not with any of these five indicators. This segment is level 5 on the scale of the TD. This according to a study by Julio Gamero called "Decent Work in Peru

What part of the SAP was in the range 1 TD? Employees by 20%, young employees in just 6.6%, 3.9% of those who worked in agriculture, 45.5% of those working in the State and 34.2% of whom were in companies with more than 50 workers.

turn to the case of the PEA employed, the region of the country with more decent work in the scale 1 was Moquegua (31.7%) and less involvement in that scale was Amazonas (9.9%) .

Decent Work Index
The study creates a Decent Work Index (IDC) established five levels to determine the decent work country: Level 1 (meets all the basic indicators and all supplementary), Level 2 (meets with all key indicators), Level 3 (meets at least one of the key indicators), Level 4 (does not meet basic indicators but at least some of the supplementary indicators) and Level 5 (does not meet any indicator).

In 2009, the Economically Active Population (PEA) occupied in Peru amounted to 15 million 316 thousand 129 people. 39% of the EAP is employed, while 61% is made up of self-employed. In the group of self-employed are considered employers, self-employed, unpaid family worker and the worker's home.

According to the distribution of the EAP in the proposed scale of the Decent Work Index (ITD), only 8.2% belongs to level 1, ie, meets all the dignity of decent work (employment contract has or the business is registered, income higher than minimum wage, working hours less than 48 hours, health insurance and pension system affiliation.)

At the other extreme, has a similar contingent workers (7.9%) whose employment status is precarious and not meet any of the basic indicators or additional (level 5), and nearly half of the employed population (48.1%) is located in the penultimate level of the scale (level 4). Differentiating

occupied by PEA and unpaid work, we observed that 20.4% of employees have a decent job, compared to 0.4% self-employed.

Moreover, approximately two thirds of self-employed (64%) is at level 4 on the scale of decent work deficit, that is, your business is not registered and have paid less to S /. 600, but met with at least one indicator complementary (working less than 48 hours, health insurance or pension system affiliation.)

Men versus women
In the case of the EAP-employed persons, clearly shows that women are disadvantaged compared to men. Only 17.0% of them achieved level 2 and level 3 of the ITD, compared with 36.3% of men.

In the group of employees, there is a relationship between age and decent work deficit. For example, only 6.6% of youth aged 14 to 24 have decent work, compared with 33.1% of people 55 and older. Similarly, young people 14 to 24 years are concentrated mostly in the last two levels on the scale of ITD (51.8%) unlike the other age groups.


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